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Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Well, you never quite know, do ya ?? Just when Ol' Ma Rand's book was meandering along, out of the blue comes a rivetting chapter titled " Apollo & Dionysius"--details the layers of differences between Apollo, strong, cultured, rational and predictable , and Dionysius, the emotional, feelings-oriented, unpredictable type who is given to orgiastic bouts and has dark shades. She says that although most of the advances in the world are by the Apollo-ites, since the majority of the intellectuals are on the other side, people prone to reason do not get the credit. Further, Communists who all along said that the establishment of a new social order was that was logical and rational have realised their public foiles and now say that they were really the voice of the individual all along.
A narration of Apollo 11 versus the Woodstock carnival makes good reading too--the pinnacle of scientific progress against a mass protest cum celebration. The barbed references to the niceness of people who lauded the astronauts after their ticker-tape parade was insidious, and the direct judgements on the assorted psychology of the miscreants/hippies at Woodstock was a frontal attack.

Listened to the strains of Ghulam Ali y'day--a new endeavour at fairly low decibel levels. Incidentally, I got the same CD ( whose cassette I have ) as a birthday gift too--coincidence or opportunity missed ??

A slugfest at the A Open with the mercurial Safin pulling through against Rod--I think Safin has the game , like Phillipousis , to beat anyone on his day , bar Federer.
A Colombian in the semis, Fabiano Zuluaga, seeded 32--so there's more to that beleagured nation than Medellin & Marquez. Saw Clijsters recover in time to beat a very un-Russian spitfore Myskina on the QF in the morning.

Am off to the Badminton Court.


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